Color too nice not to post
These are old photos taken earlier this fall. I've been so busy I haven't had the time to post them until now. The colors this fall was exceptional and long lasting.

Service berry, Shadblow, Amelanchier laevis?

Blueberry, Vaccinium. This particular bush planted right outside our backdoor produced a load of berries and this colorful sight in the fall.

Witch hazel, Hammamelis × intermedia - yellow flower variety.

Burning bush, Euonymus alatus.

Witch hazel, Hammamelis × intermedia - red flower variety.

Witch alder, Fothergilla gardenii.
Service berry, Shadblow, Amelanchier laevis?
Blueberry, Vaccinium. This particular bush planted right outside our backdoor produced a load of berries and this colorful sight in the fall.
Witch hazel, Hammamelis × intermedia - yellow flower variety.
Burning bush, Euonymus alatus.
Witch hazel, Hammamelis × intermedia - red flower variety.
Witch alder, Fothergilla gardenii.