Seven Sons tree in bloom.
Heptacodium miconioides, syn. H. jasminoides Family: Caprifoliaceae.
From the
Spring Meadow Nursery website: "Native to the Zhejiang Province of China, Heptacodium was first introduced to the west by the famous plant explorer E. H. Wilson. For some reason the plant remained obscure until 1980 when the plant was reintroduced from China and promoted to the nursery trade by the Arnold Arboretum. In a relatively short period of time the nursery community has embraced this plant and has now made it available to the public. While Heptacodium may still be hard to find in the Midwest, it has become all the rage in the East and enthusiasm for the plant is spreading west. I have seen stunning mature plants in Massachusetts, Ohio and Minnesota but only in botanical gardens. As for the trade, I have seen smaller plants in some of the more progressive nurseries, but it is still hard to find mature plants outside the East Coast. I am pleased to say that I found two progressive growers listing Heptacodium in the MNLA buyers guide: Huggett Sod Farm and Ray Weigand's Nursery. The availability of Heptacodium will follow demand as more people are fortunate enough to see this plant in its prime and discover this little know treasure."
From the
Rare Find Nursery.com site: "First collected in 1907 by E.H. Wilson in Hupei Province, China and then forgotten, it was introduced to the U. S. by the Arnold Arboretum. H. miconioides is rare in China, with few if any now growing in the wild."
From the Garden Gal,
The Southern Great Lakes Gardener site: "Each flower stalk blooms with seven flowers, hence the name, Seven Sons Tree or Seven Sons Flower."
From the
Rainyside Gardeners site:
"Geographic Origin: China.
Plant Group: Shrub.
Hardiness: Sunset zones: 2b-6, 14-17. USDA zones: 5-8.
Mature size: Height: 20 feet (6 m). Width: 8-10 feet (2.5-3 m).
Flowering period: Late summer to late autumn.
Flowering attributes: Clusters of fragrant, creamy white flowers born in clusters of seven, followed by clusters of showy purple fruit with bright purple-red calyxes.
Leaf attributes: Four-inch long, ovate, deciduous, green leaves that turn purple-bronze in autumn.
Light: Full sun to light, dappled shade.
Soil: Fertile, well-drained soil.
Feeding: Side dress with compost and a complete organic fertilizer in the spring.
Propagation Methods: Sow seed as soon as ripe. | Softwood cuttings in spring.
Pruning Methods: In late winter or early spring prune out crossed branches or branches too tall, to maintain good shape."
If you'd like to try growing the Seven Sons tree,
Park Seed Company has it for a very reasonable $12.95 + shipping. I have no affiliation with Park Seed.

Petasites japonicum/japonicus variegata, giganteum. Here's an
interesting site on this plant.
And a discussion group with photos about this plant from the
Dave's Garden Community Forums.

Corydalis 'Berry Exciting'.

Anemone tomentosa 'Robustissima'.

Allium tuberosum, Garlic Chives

Rosa 'Honey Perfume'

Rosa 'Hot Cocoa'.

Spent late blooming flower of the Magnolia virginiana, aka sweet bay magnolia.

More Anemones.

One of the new colored Delphiniums.

Cornus controversa 'Variegata', Giant Dogwood. I bought this plant as a tiny foot tall tree. It has grown to 4 feet tall in a year. I fear I may have planted it in too crowded a location.

Unknown Anemones.

Hydrangea paniculata, Peegee?, Grandiflora?

Anemone tomentosa 'Robustissima'.

Oriental lily 'Dizzy'.

Variegated Liriope.