Giant Brunnera leaf (Siberian Bugloss) and other miscellaneous fall photos
The Brunnera macrophylla was aptly named - macrophylla = large or big leaves. Some of the leaves are bigger than my hand. The B. 'Jack Frost' variegated leaves were never that big so I was surprised to see how large the plain green ones became. The leaves look like a much bigger version of the wild violets we have growing in our lawn - same dark green color and heart shaped leaves.
Actaea racemosa, formerly Cimicifuga racemosa - Black cohosh, Black bugbane, Black snakeroot or Fairy candle. Last year the plant put all it's growth into one stem. Consequently it grew very tall but produced one main flower spike and several smaller spikes off of the main flower stem. This year it put up several stems with the resultant increase in number of flower spikes but they are about a foot shorter than last year's spike. A very pretty plant with dark purple almost black stems.
Unknown Tricyrtis. We bought both the white and spotted plants as tiny seedlings many years ago. I really like the white variety but unfortunately it was planted under some trees and shrubs and has all but disappeared. A tiny seedling grew just far enough out of the heavy shade and just produced these flowers for the first time. The spotted ones were placed in a location with better light and is thriving, though some azaleas and rhododendrons will threaten it in a few years.
Rose 'Honey Perfume' with the morning dew lining the tips of the petals.
Those are some big Brunnera leaves. Are you treating it especially kindly? I have a green/white variegated one that's on the way to becoming all green. I'd like to think it might be that big someday.
The plant seems to thrive on neglect. I usually place a dressing of mulch on all the planting beds in spring, which I get free from the local environmental center but otherwise no fertilizer or other enhancements. I planted quite a few different varieties this year so it will be interesting to see if they grow this large too. The leaves of the 'Jack Frost' which is an older plant are only half the size of the plant in the photo.
Good luck with your plant. I almost lost a 'Jack Frost' when I planted it in dry, full shade. It had only a couple of tiny leaves remaining when I dug it up and replanted it. I was amazed that it survived the transplant and has come back even better than the one planted in an ideal location. They are tough plants.
Hi Ki and happy autumn. Lovely photos (your toad lily is almost as cute as mine).
I just love the 'Honey Perfume' delicate!! Does it smell as good as the name suggests? I've never come across this particular rose!
Hi Joey,
Your toad lilies look gorgeous. Much better color than our no name variety. The ones we bought this fall are starting to bloom again but the plants are tiny and the flowers don't look like much ... yet. Will post some pics soon. Thanks for your visit.
Hi Jessica,
'Honey Perfume' does have a really nice scent. I love walking past the plant and getting a scent of its perfume. I'm not positive but I believe this was a Jackson & Perkins nursery grown rose.
great! I've had really good luck with my J&P roses! I was hoping this one lives up to its name because I love the color!
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