Japanese maple Sango Kaku in fall colors

Sango Kaku (Coral tower) Syn: Senkaki (Coral bark maple, cinnabar wood maple) [Vetrees], one of the red twig japanese maples turn a bright yellow in fall. You would think with the very bright red twigs the leaves would also turn bright red but not so.
The leaves of the newer water sprout growth on the left of the full tree photo is a different color. It's not a growth below the graft so it's part of the sango kaku. I'll probably prune this off. This small tree was transplanted from the front yard where it was exposed to the winter winds and in full sun during the summer months. It's now partially shaded and in a much more sheltered location so it has thrived and doubled it's size in a year.
Japanese maples are very tough trees and don't suffer from transplant shock, at least I haven't noticed drooping or shriveled leaves at all. A very good thing because I tend to move plants a lot. I've moved a sizeable dissected leaf red jm and this sango kaku with very good results. I've dug up many one year old grafts without any dying. A great little tree.
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