Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Photos from the Biltmore Estate Consevatory, Asheville, NC

Some photos from the Biltmore Estate Conservatory. Some are familiar, others unusual. Sorry no names. More to follow.

A kind of Tumeric, Curcuma longa or ginger?

Banana flower.

Five different Bromeliads.

Shrimp Plant, Justicia brandegeana

Cuphea llavea, Mickey Mouse Plant, 'Tiny Mice' and 'Georgia Scarlet'
or 'Bat Face'?

Two photos of a Heliconia?


Blogger Gotta Garden said...

I have always wanted to visit the Biltmore Estate! One day... Thanks for letting me tag along! I hear Ashville is quite fun...hope you had a great time!

6:03 PM  
Blogger Ki said...

Gotta Garden, Asheville was fun, great food and the eminently livable downtown great for people watching. But it was hot, 90+ degrees with high humidity for the time we were there. We thought the mountains would be cooler but all the natives were saying this was an unusually hot year. The Biltmore house and gardens were an interesting all day visit. Walking through the 4 acre house took at least a couple of hours. Photos were prohibited indoors so unfortunately no pictures. I hope you get to visit it one day. It's almost in your neck of the woods.

6:29 PM  

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