A blossom of substance

Our camellia is blooming once again. This is a true Camellia (at least the Japanese consider this to be the true camellia), C. japonica and different from the previously posted, lighter pink, C. sasanqua. This is the third year in ground and the plant has thrived. At first I thought the flowers were too gaudy for my taste. But I've come around. Very few flowers -perhaps a rose, peony or poppy- have the substance of it. Hard to explain but maybe it's the sculptural thickness of the flower - the dense color and bundled stamen and pistils. Wonderful that it blooms this time of year too when almost nothing else brightens our garden.
In spite of the dirt, slight frost damage to the petals and my inept photography, the camellia still looks gorgeous.
"the camellia still looks gorgeous."
Absolutely. And much appreciated by eyes already bored with the straw and dirt colors of the north in this season.
I remember winters in Iowa. The browns seem to last an interminable time. Spring was such a joy. We traveled once to the left coast, Berkeley CA to be specific in the dead of winter. We were startled to see green grass and plants. We don't have as severe winters here in NJ as in Iowa but even so it seems to last too long. But Hawaii is bad the opposite way. Green all the time. The winter makes spring all the more vibrant. Thanks for the comment.
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