Have you ever tasted the fruit of the Kousa dogwood?

Both my wife and I noticed that birds are eating the fruit of the Kousa dogwood. The pretty fruit looks almost like a lichee nut with the same rough and scaly skin - the kousa's having much larger scales and more intense colors. I read somewhere that the fruit is edible so I tried it. The skin is quite soft unlike the lichee nut and the fruit is sweet without much taste though gritty. It's not bad but tough to get past the grittyness. I'm trying to remember but I think the cherimoya has the same grittyness that I don't care for. Try it...who knows you might like it.
They look like they should be... the raspberry-flavored variety of Everlasting Gobstoppers! :)
I love gobstoppers but they're hard on the teeth especially if you crunch down on them like I do. The Kousa has actually quite a beautiful fruit except for the scales. Too bad it doesn't have much taste. Thanks for stopping by.
The globe is attractive and soft to the touch. The flesh looks a bit like a ripe peach but had not odor. Guess I'll leave them to the birds!
anonymous Bob,
Both my wife and I have tasted the fruit. It's only sweet with little other taste and a little gritty. I would eat it as a survival food but not as a fruit. The birds do eat them but not with relish. I see holes in a very few of them. When they drop and ferment, they're pretty stinky tho.
whoa - wait just a minute - i just picked like 2 lbs of this fruit yesterday and they are delicious!! i know i'm a couple of years late - but i hope someone reads this. I write cookbooks and now i am teaching inner city kids - today we are making a mousse from this berry - it has a wonderful subtle mousse like quality and a sort of Asian flavor remniscent of hmm, banana or a cherimoya, we are going blanch them quickly then pass them thru a strainer to just get the flesh.
hh cafe, my inner city kids class and I just tasted these fruits and would love to know your mousse receipe to make with them. jenna in atlanta
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