Effulgent anemones

Luckily the anemones are blooming now when not many perennials are flowering. The pink ones with elegant dark stems have been blooming for several weeks now and the much larger white ones are just starting. I don't know the cultivar but the pink is probably x hybrida. The white is a vigorous grower and spread quickly. It took over a small empty spot and quickly outgrew the small rhododendrons and azaleas. I dug it out thinking I removed them all but I guess not as several plants have come up again this year. I'll make peace with it as it is such a lovely flower and only try to keep it contained not eradicate it. And, it provides needed scarce food for the bumble bees.
I noticed too that some of the columbines (Aquilegia)as well as the delphiniums are starting to throw flower stalks so I we may have a colorful late summer. The columbines produced so many blooms this spring, I thought they would have exhausted themselves and was surprised to see many trying to bloom again.
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