Sunday, October 08, 2006

World record 1502 pound giant pumpkin!

Wow a giant world record pumpkin weighing 3/4 of a ton...1502 pounds. Now that's some pumpkin.

Here's a picture of the grower Ron Wallace of Greene, Rhode Island and his pumpkin (Wow!) as well as other pumpkin records.


Blogger Jenn said...

He blew his bandwidth. That must be some pumpkin!

12:10 PM  
Blogger Ki said...

Hi jenn, a monster for sure. Funny tho all the big ones tend to look the same. Hard to tell just by looking which one is the heaviest. They should also have a contest for the biggest in size, say the biggest diameter. Probably would be difficult to measure . Try getting that tape under the monster.

Wow the word verification gets longer and more difficult to type. Must think I the owner of the blog am spammer.

6:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you imagine how attached this man got to his pumpkin?! It is amazing. When I heard this news on the radio, I couldn't help but think of the dedication and even stress a man - pumpkin relationship would be. I am glad it was a RIer with the world record (my former state).

2:08 PM  
Blogger Ki said...

Hi Judith, I would imagine it was like having a baby ;) Probably checked it at least a couple of times each day. I read somewhere that they put a sheet of foam under the growing pumpkin and it takes about 500 pounds of chicken manure to grow one that size. Hey now RIers are known for more than a chicken.

5:35 AM  

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