Bamboo Phyllostachys Viridis Robert Young

I bought two more bamboo from Bamboo Garden in Oregon to help screen out the new development behind our house. Good prices and fast delivery. Ned Jaquith is a very nice person to deal with, though no online ordering. These are not very hardy, only to zone 7 so I'm taking a chance by planting them in zone 6 but they'll go in sheltered places in the yard and hopefully with heavy mulching they will survive. I bought them mainly because of the beautifully colored stalks, a deep yellow to orange yellow. Here's a link that shows the color. And another site.
Here's a great bamboo cold hardiness chart from the Needmorebamboo site if you're thinking of planting some and don't know which variety to plant in your zone.
Phyllostachys is a great bamboo for privacy screening. We have a huge stand of it in our front yard. As far as your New Jersey winter goes, you could build a makeshift "greenhouse" around it this winter, and put a heating pad or something inside when the cold weather really kicks in. We've done that for our plants down here (sometimes it freezes in Northern Florida). :-)
Hi deb,
I hope the "Robert Young" will grow to be big enough in NJ to screen out the prospective neighbors. Additionally since phyllostachys are supposedly vigorous runners, I planted them in large tubs sunken in the ground so they won't spread too much. Got that tip from a grower but don't know if it will work. I've seen bamboo here that supposedly grown in warmer climates like yours (lucky you) are quite small and spindly so I hope that's not the case with the ones I bought. Thanks for the greenhouse tip but it seems like too much work to construct even a makeshift greenhouse. I'm afraid they'll have to tough it out and live or I almost did digging holes large enough to sink those tubs. ;)
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